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Results for "author_first: "Micah", author_last: "Bucey""
Procession A uniquely daring documentary about sexual abuse and communal healing.
The Green Knight An epic reimagining of a poetic classic.
Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story An inspiring portrait of a remarkable religious figure.
The Water Man A powerful fable for all ages about a spiritual quest for hope in the face of difficult changes and life's mysteries.
The Man Who Sold His Skin A uniquely charming and urgent parable about belonging.
Collective (Colectiv) A harrowing account of deadly government corruption.
The United States vs. Billie Holiday A passionate depiction of a resilient artist and her creative act of protest.
Judas and the Black Messiah A hard-hitting, real life tale of betrayal and racial injustice.
Hope A subtle and mature meditation on love in the midst of imminent loss